
The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America​


CBD in Latin America

CBD across the region of Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America:


CBD is legal for COFEPRIS approved products and brands (38 currently)

• In 2017 medical use was legalized, but regulation was pending to be created, COFEPRIS approved some CBD based products for sale, import and export

• Feb 2020, the ‘Cámara de Senadores’ approved the Cannabis Regulation Law, this is pending review by the ‘Cámara de Diputados’

Costa Rica dotCosta Rica

Legal CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC

• In July 2019, the Costa Rican Ministry of Health has issued the first CBD oil registry

• In 2019, law initiative was presented at the ‘Asamblea Legislativa’ to create a regulated cannabis market, pending discussion

Jamaica DotJamaica

CBD for medical purposes is legal for local companies registered with the Ministry of Health

• In February 2015, the government decriminalized the possession and cultivation of marijuana and regulated the sale of cannabis for medicinal purposes

• Throughout 2020, a pilot program is being held to legalize marijuana farmers

republica dominicanaDominican Republic

CBD is illegal

• Its medical and recreational consumption is prohibited; the possession, distribution and trafficking of cannabis and its derivatives is penalized


CBD is legal only for people with epilepsy, registration required

• In November 2016, Law 27,350 was approved, it regulates the medicinal use of cannabis


Legal CBD less than 1% THC

• In 2016, the use of medicinal cannabis and self-cultivation with 1% or less THC was approved through the ‘Ley Galán 1787’

• In 2017 the Ministry of Health established the terms to produce and sell cannabis for medicinal purposes through ‘Decree 613’


CBD is legal

• In 2013, Law 19.172 stipulated that Uruguay’s government is in charge of regulating the import, export, growth, harvest, production, acquisition, distribution, storage and trade of cannabis and marijuana-derived products


CBD for medicinal use is legal for approved companies and registered patients

• In 2017, Law No. 30,681 passed regulating the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis, without regulations for its production and sale, the Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas is the only legal provider


CBD and cannabis-derived medicines are legal for authorized companies

• In December 2015, a regulation was approved authorizing the manufacture and sale of cannabis-derived medicines, with restrictions and high prices, self-cultivation for any purpose is illegal


CBD for medicinal use is legal with Anvisa authorization

• In 2015, the use of prescription CBD products was approved

• In December 2019, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) approved a regulation for the sale of cannabis-based medicines in all pharmacies in the country

puerto ricoPuerto Rico

CBD is legal

• Act No. 42-2017, which passed in 2017, recognized CBD as one of the two main chemical compounds in cannabis that has a measurable medicinal effect

• In 2018, Regulation 9038 established a regulatory framework for the sale, dispensation, and consumption of medicinal cannabis on the island, providing guidelines for CBD sourced from cannabis

• In April 2019, the Department of Health released a memorandum that CBD sourced from industrial hemp must comply with the same quality standards as medicinal cannabis CBD products

Author: Fabiola

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