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Spa Software

How Comprehensive Spa Software Can Contribute to Increased Revenue and Guest Satisfaction

Using the latest spa software can help you find new opportunities for revenue generation and optimize your customer engagement and satisfaction.

Technology is revolutionizing how businesses manage their inventory, staff, track customer data and connect with guests. It’s no different for spas; technology can affect customer satisfaction, retention and reflects revenue fluctuations. To ensure you keep pace with the latest innovations in spa management, you must utilize highly developed spa software that provides the following:

A comprehensive spa software system such as Book4Time offers all the tools you need to manage and grow the revenue of your spa without wasting time creating complex reports.

Cloud-based software
Using cloud-based spa software like Book4Time to manage your booking/scheduling makes it convenient for your customer to view and schedule reservations and for spa managers and staff to view and update the schedule from anywhere, 24/7.

Marketing, Retention andInventory
In addition to online booking and employee scheduling, excellent software offers tools for detailed reporting and inventory management. Creating accurate, automated reports allows spas to provide new levels of personalization for their guests and the option to market directly to clients through digital channels so spas can increase guest retention and return visits.

Do you know how much revenue are you losing by turning away guests? An average spa loses about 15% of a day’s business this way. If you are open year-round and closed only for Christmas and New Year’s Day, at $150 per treatment assuming 100 treatments per day, that’s a total revenue loss of $816,750. A turn-away tracking module makes it easy to optimize your scheduling and facilities to accommodate as much business as possible.

To stay competitive in today’s market, it’s imperative that you have and understand vital data from your spa and your customers. You cannot manage something that you aren’t measuring. A Spa Software system like Book4Time gives you the power to improve your business.

Roger Sholanki

Founder & CEO, Book4Time

Sara Jones
Author: Sara Jones

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