The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

New release: SLOW BEAUTY Rituals and Recipes to Nourish the Body and Feed the Soul by Shel Pink


Taking a holistic approach to achieving that coveted outer glow, SLOW BEAUTY (On-Sale: November 17, 2017)—the brainchild of SpaRitual natural products founder and “green beauty pioneer” Shel Pink—is a sustainable beauty program and philosophy that shows women how to physically, mentally, and spiritually nourish their bodies from the inside out. SLOW BEAUTY is all about carving a few small moments out of each day to practice the kind of mindful self-care and wellness that makes us glow. When practiced over time, these little moments add up to big results—not only in feeling healthier and more joyful, but in achieving true beauty and timeless aging.

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