American Spa’s Women in Wellness Leadership Conference

Con una asistencia de 230 mujeres de toda la industria, se celebró la Conferencia Inaugural del Bienestar para Mujeres del American Spa justo antes del Día Internacional de la Mujer de este año. Julie Keller abrió la mañana con un discurso apasionado sobre el origen del evento y la creación de un foro para el debate sobre la disparidad en los salarios y puestos de liderazgo en nuestra industria. El tema del día: Mujeres empoderadas, ¡empoderen al mundo!
American Spa Women in Wellness – Live Report by Sara Jones

Julie Keller opened the morning with a passionate speech about the inception of the Women in Wellness event and creating a forum for discussion about disparity in salaries and leadership positions across our industry. #AmericanSpaWIW
The theme of the day ‘Empowered Women, empower the world’ is displayed across the fitted t-shirt uniform of all the staff at the event, one of which will be given to each attendee in the gift bag. The bag supports women in India escaping the sex trade and features a handle of braided saris.
Julie talked about a fair future for her children to grow up in where #MeToo is a distant memory and equality is expected.