0019 Sonoterapia: sus beneficios y cómo integrarla a las experiencias spa con Roberto Méndez Gopar
Why Invest in Wellness?
Wellness is a balance between body, mind and spirit that unleashes feelings of satisfaction, peace and tranquility.
Nowadays, global health faces critical scenarios. Stress, considered as a global disease, is caused by exhaustive working schedules that lead to fatigue, decreased productivity and increased tension. Similarly, there is the Burnout Syndrome studied in the 1970s by Herbert Freudenberger who emphasized: “Stress can lead to physical, mental and social dysfunctions; even damage our health, deplete our productivity and affect our family and social circles. “
5 Ways To Bring Meditation Into Your Spa
Meditation is an excellent way of creating a sense of calm, clarity and wellbeing. In spas, we try to provide the same thing to our guests. Why not incorporate elements of mediation to increase the benefits of your spa experience for your guests.
1. Create a meditation space or ‘zen room’
More than a relaxation room, a meditation space should provide guests with a place to sit and meditate in a quiet environment. Lighting should be low and seating options like meditation cushions and chairs for those not accustomed to sitting cross-legged should be available.
2. Provide guided meditation options
A menu of guided meditations of various length and intention allows the guest to choose their experience. This can be done with an iPad and headphones or via an on-demand system built into your relaxation area, meditation room or even played within the treatment room during your guest’s spa experience.