Expert Panel: What skills are required to succeed in the current job market? with Laura Requeno
What skills are required to succeed in the current job market, based on the UN’s 5P model for Sustainable Development? (people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships) By Anadidier Martinez Spa Operational Manager Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya Laura Barrantes Requeno Tourism and wellness specialist The advancement of […]
Spa Experience: Spa Grand Sirenis, Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya, Mexico
The Grand Sirenis Resort, located on the Riviera Maya coastline of Mexico, is home to an expansive 30,138 ft2 (2,800 m2) spa and wellness facility. Spa Grand Sirenis boasts impressive hydrotherapy facilities with an array of pools offering a variety of different experiences, from water jets to massage the shoulders and back to underwater jets […]