
The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

Spa Education

Traning professionals for the wellness industry At Agueda Spa Academy, we provide comprehensive education for our professionals in a real work environment, with a theoretical and practical program consisting of 1250 hours. Students specialize in cosmetology, massage therapy, spa techniques and guest service. We reinforce the pillars of wellness by creating healthy habits and a […]

GWI announced the first Children’s Mental Health Symposium

The Global Wellness Institute’s (GWI) Wellness for Children Initiative announces the inaugural Children’s Mental Health Symposium to be held at Junior Genius Childcare in Dublin, Ireland. The two-day event will bring world renowned experts to speak to an audience of parents, caregivers, teachers, medical professionals, and government officials. Children’s Mental Health Statistics: More than one […]

Global Wellness Summit 2021: Day one

Global Wellness Summit Day 1

After connecting with nature via Louie Schwartzberg’s Moving art video, Susie welcomed all the delegates to the 15th annual summit.   You’re Younger Than You Think: Silver Linings from COVID Michael Roizen, MD, Cleveland Clinic, US Life expectancy has been linear. Up to now we have delayed aging, now we will be able to reverse it. […]

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