
The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

Healing with Heat: Interview with Danielle Forsgren of Avacen

What is the AVACEN and what conditions does it treat? The AVACEN is a unique medical device that is FDA Class II cleared for aches, pains, strains, overall muscular relaxation, and widespread pain from arthritis. It incorporates a dry heat pad – where the hand is placed, and then enclosed in a vacuum chamber. This […]

Holistic Pain Relief Technology

During my recent trip to ISPA, I unfortunately experienced some back pain. This is unusual for me and I mistakenly thought it was muscular. After realizing that massage and topical aromatherapy and botanicals weren’t going to be strong enough, I used the powerful force of social media to ask for recommendations, after all – I was surrounded by health, wellness and spa experts! I was flooded with responses and advice, leading me to two hi-tech advanced holistic therapies that made a world of difference to the pain that was caused by an out-of-place vertebra.

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