
La revista para el spa y bienestar en México, el Caribe y América Latina

Global Wellness Summit 2018 Day 2

Day 2 opened withAndrea Illy speaking with passion about coffee and happiness. Protective from many cancers, caffeine health warnings have actually been removed and anti-depressant properties have beenidentified. In Italy, as with many places around the world, drinking coffee is a social practice. «Italian Espresso made coffee great», claims Andrea and led to the café lifestyle now enjoyed worldwide. Illy focuses on pleasure, health and sustainability. Quality leadsto premium prices enabling economic, environmentaland socially sustainable plantations.

Global Wellness Summit 2018 Day 1

The openingfrom Louie Schwartzberghighlighted the connection between us and nature, we are part of nature, not separate from it. Louie’s moving art videos set the scene for the next few days; appreciation, wonder and awe, love and wellness in the world around us.

Lapinha Medicina Integrativa y Bienestar

Fundado por Margarida Bornschein Langer en la década de 1950, Lapinha nació con el objetivo de combatir las enfermedades a través de terapias naturales. Margarida entendió que para que la experiencia de sanación fuera completa, era necesario cuidar no solo del ser humano, sino también del planeta y la comunidad local con un enfoque holístico. En 1972, Lapinha fue el primer spa médico en Brasil ubicado en una granja. Con un enfoque en la producción orgánica, rodeado por un bosque subtropical, esta propiedad familiar sigue siendo un agente de desarrollo comunitario.

American Spa Women in Wellness – Live Report by Sara Jones

Julie Keller opened the morning with a passionate speech about the inception of the Women in Wellness event and creating a forum for discussion about disparity in salaries and leadership positions across our industry. #AmericanSpaWIW

The theme of the day ‘Empowered Women, empower the world’ is displayed across the fitted t-shirt uniform of all the staff at the event, one of which will be given to each attendee in the gift bag. The bag supports women in India escaping the sex trade and features a handle of braided saris.

Julie talked about a fair future for her children to grow up in where #MeToo is a distant memory and equality is expected.

Global Wellness Summit Releases ‘Eight Wellness Trends for 2018’

When 600+ wellness experts from 40+ nations gather to debate the future of wellness, a uniquely insightful and global view of trends unfolds. That’s what transpired at the recent Global Wellness Summit (GWS), which brought together leaders from the travel, spa, beauty, fitness, nutrition, technology, medical and architecture worlds. Today, the organization released their top wellness trends for 2018 (and beyond).

“No other trends report is based on the perspectives of so many wellness experts,” said Susie Ellis, GWS chairman & CEO. “And every one of this year’s trends pushes the health and wellness envelope in unexpected ways.”

Tecnología para el alivio holístico del dolor

Durante mi reciente visita a ISPA, desafortunadamente sufrí de algunos dolores de espalda. Esto es algo inusual para mí y erróneamente pensé que se trataba de algo muscular. Después de darme cuenta de que el masaje, la aromaterapia tópica y los botánicos no iban a ser lo suficientemente fuertes, utilicé el poder de las redes sociales para pedir recomendaciones, después de todo, ¡estaba rodeado de expertos en salud, bienestar y spa! Me inundaron de respuestas y consejos, lo que me guió a dos terapias holísticas avanzadas de alta tecnología que hicieron una gran diferencia en el dolor causado por una vértebra fuera de lugar.

Grand Velas Los Cabos Debuts New Duplex Wellness Suites

Designed to rejuvenate and refresh one’s well-being, six new duplex Wellness Suites at Grand Velas Los Cabos are now available inclusive of a dedicated fitness loft, private training, personal wellness concierge, healthy minibar, in-suite juicing, and more.

Costa Rica, Emerging Travel Destination For Innovative Wellness Therapies


Travelers in search of innovative wellness therapies that promote a sense of wellbeing and vitality should consider Costa Rica as their next travel destination, as many have already discovered. Costa Rica is the perfect setting for detoxification from stress and the daily grind and now offers visitors’ inventive opportunities that extend beyond classic spa services and traditional yoga retreats.

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