
La revista para el spa y bienestar en México, el Caribe y América Latina

First 1000 days of wellness offers spa & wellness training globally

First 1000 days of wellness

the First 1000 Days of Wellness® (F1000 Days)launch the first Specialized Practitioner Training for Conception, Pregnancy, and Family IntegrativeWellness, in partnership with known industry niche trainers, Chris Clinton and Joanne Berry. The trainingdesigned to provide much needed expertise in an area often neglected in our industry- but arriving at atime where global infertility rates are alarmingly on the rise.

The 24-hour online training is a unique and state-of-the-art professional practitioner training program thatfocuses on how to merge the medical with wellness modalities for proven benefits during the child-bearing years. The First 1000 Days of Wellness® Professional Ambassador Training Program will train Spa and Wellness professionals on the latest evidence-based practices for Fertility, Pre-conception, pregnancy,and the reproductive years, while teaching how to personalize wellness treatments, protocols and createprograming for men and women wishing to have optimal wellness during this time. The program will alsocover why Conception Wellness goes far beyond getting pregnant and is a family affair – and how to applythe best Spa and Wellness treatments and experiences to achieve maximum results for men, women, andtheir babies – setting up the best conditions for early childhood development.

The F1000 Days Spa and Resort Training Program will prepare massage therapists and estheticians to serve an incredibly significant segment of the population – couples who are trying to get pregnant(preconception), during pregnancy or postpartum and then the first 2 years of life with baby.

“The Science we have today on earliest human development allows and supports us to create a unique program for women and men – and eventually their babies – where we integrate all of
the positive wellness actions – before conception, during pregnancy and during the critical first twoyears of life- that we know increase the chances for conception and prevent chronic diseases andbuild an optimal way to live and thrive -” commented Sergio Pecorelli, MD PhD, Creator, Co-Founder, and Chief Scientific Officer of the First 1000 Days of Wellness® program.

Through hands-on training, online study and live lectures, the 24-hour F1000 Days training curriculumprovides therapists, practitioners, and estheticians with the knowledge and techniques to offerspecialized treatments safely, confidently, and compassionately to men and women. Students will learn the F1000 Days “5 Pillars of Wellness” together with expert knowledge of epigenetics and the humanmicrobiome just to name a few specialized areas.

Weighing in on current practices in the Wellness space, Co-Founder and leading holistic physicaltherapist, Patricia Ladis, PT, CBBA had this to say: “I have been treating both men and women in mypractice in New York City for many years and working with the perinatal population. The First 1000 Days of Wellness® Program uses robust science and fills an important knowledge gap about what people, whoare of childbearing years, need to know and do, to amplify their health and wellbeing before and afterthey get pregnant.”

The program’s extensive content includes some of last year’s Global Wellness Summit Trends (from the 2020 Report), including the Circadian Behaviors, Music, and Fertility.

Joanne Berry, Founder of Wellness Education Hub/Vice Chair of the Women in Leadership Initiative of the Global Wellness Institute, together with Chris Clinton, Chair of the Wellness for Children Initiativeof the Global Wellness Institute will be delivering the trainings, says “Chris Clinton and I are extremely honored to have partnered with the F1000 Days of Wellness Team to offer this veryelevated educational program for the spa and wellness industry. We hope to share this knowledge with many spas and wellness facilities so that they are able to then educate their guests on creatinghealthy generations for years to come.”

“We are in the process of developing custom curriculum and modules that are specifically designed for spa and wellness professionals leading to new wellness programs that can be offered in spa andwellness facilities globally. Since we know that more than 50% ofpregnancies overall are not planned, and some scientists are predicting that in 25 years, most people will
need IVF – and also know that many of the conditions leading to infertility can be mitigated by Wellnesslifestyles, while promoting life-long health and wellness. We believe this type of Wellness programming isthe future, and we are very excited to be the first to pioneer this space!” added Alina Hernandez, Co-Founder and Director, Development & Communications.

One of the key areas of training will be the specialized F1000 Days Consultation for guests, as well as“take-home kits” that will facilitate a continuity of repeat visits for the spa.

Spas practitioners who are trained by the F1000 Days Program are identified by the First 1000 Days ofWellness logo. All students will receive a certificate and pin so that they are easily identified as a F1000Day Spa and Resort Program Provider.

The First 1000 Days of Wellness® , Wellness Education Hub, together with Christine Clinton will launch the spa and wellness training program in early May 2021.

About First 1000 Days of Wellness Program:
The First 1000 Days of Wellness® is a Wellness program created by leading European public health figure, and TEDTALK speaker, Dr. Sergio Pecorelli, MD, PhD, who co-founded the program with AlinaHernandez and Patricia Ladis, PT, CBBA, who are both members of the Global Wellness Summit community and contributors to the Global Wellness Institute. The program is designed to preparemothers and fathers to have healthy babies utilizing precise wellness prescriptions, from the First 1000 Days of Wellness®, during the perinatal years. The First 1000 Days was named in the 2018 GlobalWellness Summit Trends and the program was founded and launched that same year.The First 1000 Days of Wellness® Program, Healthy Parents, Healthy Babies, HealthyGenerations.


Author: Fabiola

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