The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

The Future of Wellness 2021

the future of wellness 2021

GWS2021 The Future of Wellness travel

2021: The Year of the Travel Reset

The pandemic put the brakes on travel in 2020 and while some people eventually learned how to continue to travel safely, most stayed home. Travel operators fought, and continue to fight, for their livelihoods, but consumers and suppliers both had to think about rebooting travel for the better, becoming more conscious of where the money goes, how communities benefit or don’t, and how to use the power of tourism (which accounted for more than 10% of the world economy pre-pandemic) to sustain cultures and environments.

Will 2021 see all travel becoming wellness travel? Health assessments, including pre-arrival COVID-19 tests, are becoming precursors to travel. Vaccine passports, recording of virus tests and vaccinations, are already in development. From the manic travel of 2019, which saw record-setting growth, 2021 will see a travel reset: slower, nearer and more mindful, mirroring the vaccination rollout, which has prompted optimism as well as tentativeness.

The future: regenerative travel, challenging overtourism, correcting undertourism, tentative travel, embracing nature, and putting purpose first.


“Our guests crave enriching experiences with deeper significance. This inspired the ‘Journey to Resilience’, identifying four pillars of human development: physical, emotional, mindfulness, and relationships. Each Rosewood property offers a wellness journey to enhance recovery and adaptability. We hear guests describe their experience as insightful as they resonate with the continued benefits from the treatments.

Community connection is also essential, we invite guests to visit Kin Beh, a school supported by Mayakoba, where they can connect to a purpose beyond themselves.”

Emmanuel Arroyo,Regional Director Spa & Wellness,Rosewood Hotels

Author: Fabiola

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