The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

The Future of Wellness 2021

the future of wellness 2021

GWS2021 Trend8 Moneyoutloud The Future of Wellness

Money Out Loud

Transparency is trending in 2021 as a culture craving authenticity is now breaking the money taboo, transforming finance from a hush-hush topic to one that’s more human, empathetic and even fun. Financial therapists are tackling the intersection between money and mental health. Financial literacy courses simplify complicated finance jargon and the three billion views of #personalfinance content on TikTok prove that finance influencers are officially a thing.

This openness is driven by a larger mental health awakening, uncovering heavier pressures that are contributing to an unhealthy society. Wellness is already sparking crucial conversations around therapy, sex and death. So, as the number one source of stress globally, it’s about time money is put under the microscope.


“Marriott International Spa Division is developing a platform where spa and wellness isn’t only seen as a pampering experience for the wealthy, but a necessity to live longer, healthier, happier lives.

Developing 2- and 3-day wellness and happiness retreats, where we partner with some of the world’s most renowned wellness experts to educate and build individual life wellness plans, not only while visiting the spa, but continuing the plan once leaving. We see this trend continuing as money becomes a popular discussion.”

Suzanne Holbrook,Senior Corporate Director, Spa Operations,Marriott International

Author: Fabiola

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