The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America

The Future of Wellness 2021

the future of wellness 2021

GWS2021 Trend6 Addingcolortowellness The Future of Wellness

Adding Color to Wellness

To generate substantive change, the wellness industry must recognize and address the false narrative that wellness is for affluent white people. The industry must value consumers and wellness professionals of all backgrounds and understand the different ways that people of color actually experience wellness offerings and spaces. Companies that truly value wellness for all racial groups and income levels will thrive as they expand their consumer markets and increase business innovation and profitability. Wellness enterprises that value diversity, respect all ethnic groups’ wellness needs, and work to support more equitable access, represent the future of wellness.

Editor’s note: as an industry and region that is largely catering to North American clientele (in addition to domestic and Latin American clientele), spas, retreats and wellness resorts across our region of Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America must ensure they are effectively communicating and serving all demographics of the market.

Author: Fabiola

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