The Magazine for spa and wellness in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America​

Meditation & Technology

meditation technology

Leaf Urban takes your meditation experience to the next level. When connected to your Bellabeat app, the meditations are synced and automatically added to your daily meditation goal. Whether you need to regain focus or fall asleep, Bellabeat Breathing Meditations are available. By simply attaching it to your waistband, it will track your breathing and show the pace in the Bellabeat app; your guide to calmness. Choose from over 30 meditations targeting all aspects of your life – from managing back pain to finding your internal compass.

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Leaf Urban by Bellabeat

Have you ever tried to meditate but couldn’t quiet your mind? Maybe you tried guided audio but still felt yourself losing focus. We have a solution. Healium is ‘open eyes’ meditation utilizing immersive video in nature-based escapes with guided meditation voiceovers.

If you want to take your practice to the next level, Healium is the world’s first media channel controlled with biometric data from your wearables. Use your Apple Watch or a brain-sensing EEG headband to float up the side of a waterfall or travel through a crystal forest. A firefly shows your brainwaves or heart rate in near-real-time.

meditation technology


OpenSeed is a meditation pod that facilitates access to higher states of awareness. In this isolated environment, uninterrupted by any distractions, an individual has a much greater potential to quiet the mind and restore focus, clarity, and positive energy. By integrating aromatherapy, lighting, and sound, a microenvironment is created that is more conducive to meditation.

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Oura is the most accurate, comfortable and stylish smart ring that tracks biometric data to provide personalized insights into how you sleep, and the connection to your overall health, Oura’s Moment feature allows users to check in with their body anytime, anywhere. With the ability to choose guided or unguided rest, meditation, or a mindful breathing session, Oura prioritizes taking a holistic approach to health. During the session, Oura monitors important health data like resting heart rate (RHR) and heart rate variability (HRV). Taking a break to let Oura measure the body’s signals can enhance productivity and boost recovery.

meditation technology


Author: Fabiola

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