Do you use natural or synthetic fabrics, and what motivates this choice?
Synthetic fabrics or microfibers are detrimental to our environment. Microfiber is actually a petroleum-based product – made up of tiny synthetic fibers. Each time they are washed, 1900 microscopic bits of plastic per item, per wash cycle get flushed into the water supply, where they are ingested by fish, and ultimately enter our food supply. It’s important to think holistically when acting eco-friendly. One hundred percent cotton towels and linens offer a natural alternative that won’t add to the plastic pollution plaguing our waters.
What sustainability or social responsibility programs does your brand invest in?
We believe consumers and customers vote for the kind of society they want to see with every dollar/peso they spend. Our social responsibility program is called ‘FEEL GOOD DO GOOD’.
Wine to Water is an international, non-profit organization supporting developing nations, helping them gain access to clean water. Each online bathrobe order delivers one family (7+ people) in need with one ceramic water filter providing seven or more years of safe drinking and cooking water. To date, over 4000 people have been served with access to safe water across Cuba, Haiti and The Dominican Republic.
How can spas / resorts in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America benefit from working with your brand and get involved in these programs?
Spas and hotels in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America can make a positive environmental impact through their existing purchasing power and choose towels, robes, and linens that are made from 100% natural fibers.
By Gilad Lang
Vice President
The Madison Collection