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Termatalia 2018 Foz do Iguacu, Brazil starts European promotion at FITUR

Termatalia starts the promotion in Europe of its third edition in Latin America at FITUR. It will take place in Foz do Iguaçu, State of Paraná, Brazil, between September 19 and 21, 2018 under the slogan “Energy from the waters” and will involve new business opportunities for companies in Spain and Galicia, as well as the other participating countries. The choice of Brazil as headquarters is led by the Iguazú Fund for Tourism Development and Promotion and the Foz do Iguaçu Prefabrication and has the support of the main public and private entities linked to tourism in this region and also in the country (State of Paraná and the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil) to position it internationally, also as a thermal destination.

The presentation of this afternoon at FITUR was attended by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Matilde Asián; of the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Brazil, Alberto Alves; from the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro; of the president of ANBAL and ICTE and of UNWTO Affiliated Members, Miguel Mirones; of the Mayor of Ourense, Jesús Vázquez, and of the Secretary of Tourism of Foz do Iguaçu, Gilmar Piolla. The latter has been one of the great supporters for this city is going to become headquarters of Termatalia.

The Secretary of State for Tourism made reference to the good time that tourism is experiencing in Galicia and indicated that “Termatalia is a project closely linked to tourism quality and excellence”. For his part, the president of Spas of Spain, Miguel Mirones, said that “this fair is necessary because it also represents entrepreneurs in the thermal sector and has helped us to internationalize.”

The 18th edition of this event will be held between September 19 and 21, 2018 and will bring together professionals from more than 25 countries. Consolidating its role as a thermal bridge between Europe and Latin America, Termatalia goes a step further and expands its scope of action incorporating the markets of the Middle East and Asia Pacific. This supposes a network of 26 delegations in 54 countries of 4 continents, which contributes to generate new opportunities among the agents integrated in the strategic network of Termatalia, which is highly specialized in this market niche.

The professionalization of the sector, both tourist and industrial and business will continue to occupy a prominent place in the fair through the Tourist Recruitment Exchange between Tour Operators and Establishments, Suppliers of Capital Goods and potential importers from various countries, drinking waters packaged and distributors as well as professional visitors from 20 to 30 countries.

Author: Fabiola

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